Monday, December 14, 2009

Tonsillitis Facts What Do You Think I Have, Mono, Tonsillitis. Or Strep?

What do you think i have, Mono, Tonsillitis. or strep? - tonsillitis facts

Im so confused! and I really need to know.
Ok, SO 6 March has a nap and woke with a sore throat
it is less persistent sore throat for a week, then I have a little cough. Sore throat and was in twelfth position. Thirteenth Sunday in March, the night I started to hurt super sore throat, my mother gave me the air and swollen tonsils, was a Saturday and went to Dallas on Sunday, so we went to Walgreen to take a clinic, they saw and said I had angina pectoris, or whatever, and told me salt water over night and morning, and every time ibepforen throats hurt for 4 to 6 hours, I can not disappear, and all this sucking lozenges, but its going to be as tonsillitis on its own should disappear? I do not know if the bad test or not, but it was negitive, what I want to say that no new pain or headaches, antibiotics would have? Please help.
I suck Coperala pills no influence


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